Character Counts

Character Counts

Southwest Indiana Fellowship of Christian Athletes is proud to honor athletes from our area who were selected from a list of nominees by the schools who participated in various tournaments and competitions.  These honorees were selected for demonstrating the four core values of FCA - Integrity - Serving - Teamwork - Excellence.
Guidelines for Nomination

1.  Must be a player on your tournament roster.
2.  The winner does NOT have to be involved with FCA.  We want to recognize young athletes who have great character and celebrate that with others in his/her community and school.
3.  If you are in more than one tournament, please choose a different player for each tournament.
4.  Nomination can come from coach, AD, principal, athletic council, or any combination.
5.  There will be no repeat honorees.
6.  The honoree will be selected by the SE Indiana FCA office.

*Nominations must be received at least one week prior to your tournament.

Character Counts Nomination

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